Maria Gabriela Brito Interview- Interior designer and luxury lifestyle consultant to the stars

Felice ed onorata di presentare in Italia e sul blog la mia intervista ad una delle designer più famose del mondo: Maria Gabriela Brito.

Maria, che è originaria del Venezuela vive a New York, è lifestylist, interior designer, autore, esperta di arte e appassionata di moda, ha disegnato le residenze di amministratori delegati di spicco, celebrità come Gwyneth Paltrow and Diddy, imprenditori e dirigenti di moda, ma soprattutto, ha condiviso la sua conoscenza e la sua creatività per trasformare i suoi clienti in collezionisti d’arte. Adoro il suo stile, colorato e nel contempo raffinato, ricercato e alla moda, un design curato e studiato nei minimi dettagli che lascia spazio alla fantasia e all’amore per l’arte, insomma uno stile che ben si sposa con la mia idea di interior decor, perfetto per le nuove decorazioni che apporteró a breve alla mia casa.  



 Dear Maria, your work is fantastic, congrats!

-Your first book is called – Out There –     What can we expect and who needs to have this book on their shelf?

It’s a fun book filled with color and beautiful things that have caught my eye and my heart throughout the years. This book is for people who like to think out of the box and for people who want to learn more about art and design in an optimistic way.

How did to start in interior design?

My first project was when I was 15 years old and I renovated my mother’s house. The story is in my book. Design and art are part of my DNA.

– Would you say that your style is similar to that of..?

My style is unique and all I can say is that I have developed my signature style which I call “art-centric” every room has to have at the very least one well-chosen and carefully curated piece of art.

– How do you get to know your celebrity clients before you decorate their home?

I get to know them pretty well, actually, otherwise it would be too difficult and the results would not please them or me.

– Where do you turn for inspiration?

I like to observe the world. I live in New York City which is filled with inspiration and great people and places to see. Amazing art and artists, fashion, design, you name it. I also travel a lot for work and for pleasure. It’s very important for me to understand other cultures and see the things that they nurture.

What advice do you have for Italian girls who are in the midst of decorating their first  apartment?

I’d say to add color and interesting elements of design and of course, to have great contemporary art on the walls. Even if it’s just one piece. 

– What does having good manners mean to you?

Good manners are the most important thing! They can make or break a deal.

– Maria do you like my site? What do you think about “Il Galateo di Madame Eleonora” ?

Yes, of course, I think it’s great. It’s so important to cultivate good manners, educate the eye and train the mind and your website does that beautifully. 


Se volete conoscere il mondo di Maria Gabriela Brito visitate il suo sito:

Intervista a cura di Eleonora Miucci

Photos by Joe Schildhorn/

and Millay Walsh