Rita Konig Interview


Style writer and interior designer. European Editor for WSJ magazine at the Wall Street Journal, columnist on their Off Duty Section. 

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Con immenso piacere vi presento la mia intervista alla deliziosa scrittrice e interior designer Rita Konig. Ho avuto il privilegio di intervistarla per il mio blog: Il Galateo di Madame Eleonora  e con entusiasmo ha voluto essere presente, con preziosi consigli, nel mio nuovo libro – Invitare con Stile – Edito da Malvarosa Edizioni.


EM: Dear Rita, I love your books! Your books are a such joy to read! 


EM: What inspires you to write “ Domestic Bliss How to Live”and “ Culinary Trickery ” ?

RK: I am inspired by the sharing of ideas.  With Domestic Bliss it was really the joy of creating a home that you feel comfortable in and that it is to do with more sensual and tangible things than perfect or expensive interior design

EM: What is your idea of a perfect party?

RK: The perfect party  for me is usually an indefinable mix of good friends and good music and .  I find one never knows when the perfect party will strike and it is rarely the biggest, fanciest party that you think is going to be amazing.

EM: What do you do to relax? What is a perfect day for you?

RK: I love going to markets.  Yesterday i was at the Santa Monica Flea market in LA with friends followed by Brunch in Venice Beach.  That is a pretty good day.

EM: Easy Entertaining. Do you have  “secrets to successful”?

RK: Cook something you know, go bare foot and treat it more as friends coming over than entertaining.  That is really my ideal.

EM: In terms of interior design, what are your favorite trends this season?

RK: I am really into pops of pale citron lemon.

EM: What are some of your favorite design books and magazines?

RK: I love world of Interiors and Vogue Living Australia.

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EM: Who inspires you and your style?

RK: I am inspired more by friends with taste than other interior designers.  I am currently in California and i find that travelling and shopping in other cities always inspires me.

EM: What advice do you have for someone with a new house to decorate and perhaps a limited budget?

RK: I think that you shouldn’t get too caught up on the decorating.  I would spend you time and money on buying the things that you like.  And do it slowly and when you can afford it.  Push yourself financially if you see something good that you want, you are unlikely to regret those purchases but you will regret the things you buy simply because they are cheap.  My sofa was bought in an antique shop and i didn’t recover it for another two years, spreading the cost and i have a piece that i really love.

EM: What decorating ideas would you recommend to a homeowner who wants to rev up the look of a bedroom or living room for Spring?

RK: Painting a room is fairly easy to do, it takes a day.  Alternatively consider things like taking up rugs and taking down curtains.

EM: What do you think are good manners?

RK: Considering those around you.  Treating them in a way that you would like to be treated yourself.

EM: If you meet someone with bad manners, do you think less of them?

RK: Sometimes,  but it really depends on the character.  Sometimes bad manners can be really abrasive and unpleasant to be around and sometimes (more rarely) a person can have great charm despite having bad manners. 

EM: What are you working on right now?

RK: I am working on a house in San Francisco and a few places in London.  I am European editor for WSJ Magazine at The Wall Street Journal and am working on a line of furniture and accessories  for The Lacquer Company.

EM: Rita do you like my site? What do you think about “Il Galateo di Madame Eleonora” ?

RK: I really like it, I wish I could read it!! The photos and the posts are so tantalising!



A cura di Eleonora Miucci